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Microsoft Certifications

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Microsoft Certifications


The Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of technology certification exams that validate fundamental knowledge needed to begin building a career using Microsoft technologies. This program provides an appropriate entry point to a future career in technology and assumes some hands-on experience.This exam covers topics like : Operating System Configurations, Installing and Upgrading Client Systems, Managing Applications, Managing Files and Folders, Managing Devices, and Operating System Maintenance.    '

Windows Operating System Fundamentals

The Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of technology certification exams that validate fundamental knowledge needed to begin building a career using Microsoft technologies. This program provides an appropriate entry point to a future career in technology and assumes some hands-on experience.This exam covers topics like : Operating System Configurations, Installing and Upgrading Client Systems, Managing Applications, Managing Files and Folders, Managing Devices, and Operating System Maintenance. 

Software Development Fundammentals

This course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-361, and build an understanding of these topics: Core Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, General Software Development, Web Applications, Desktop Applications, and Databases.

Database Fundamentals

This database training for beginners introduces and defines the terminology, concepts, and skills you need to understand database objects, security requirements, graphical tools, T-SQL scripts, and writing database queries, in addition to executing stored procedures. It also helps you prepare for  Exam 98-364, part of a Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certification. The database training course is designed for individuals seeking to learn database fundamentals, including relational databases, database management systems, and database components.

Windows Server Administration Fundamentals

This course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-365, and build an understanding of these topics: Server Installation, Server Roles, Active Directory, Storage, Server Performance Management, and Server Maintenance.

Networking Fundamentals

This course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-366, and build an understanding of these topics: Network Infrastructures, Network Hardware, and Protocols and Services.

Security Fundamentals

Security is undeniably one of the most important components to every company’s network. This course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-367, and build an understanding of these topics: Security Layers, Operating System Security, Network Security, Security Software.

Windows Devices and Mobility Fundamentals

This course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-368, and build an understanding of these topics: Device configurations, data access and management, device security, cloud services, and enterprise mobility.

Cloud Fundamentals

Cloud Fundamentals exam is designed to help candidates demonstrate basic skills and knowledge about Microsoft cloud services.This course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-369, and build an understanding of these topics: The cloud, enabling, using and configuring cloud services, supporting cloud users, and administering Office 365 and Microsoft Intune

HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals

Candidates for this exam are seeking to prove core HTML5 client application development skills that will run on today’s touch-enabled devices (PCs, tablets and phones). Although HTML is often thought of as a web technology that is rendered in a browser to produce a UI, this exam focuses on using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to develop client applications.

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