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Django is a Python-based free and open-source web framework that follows the model-template-view architectural pattern.Django's primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites. The framework emphasizes reusability and "pluggability" of components, less code, low coupling, rapid development, and the principle of don't repeat yourself. '

Course Outline

1. What is Django?
2. Scope of Django
3. Architecture
4. Models/Views/Templates
5. questions
Web Framework
1. Software designed to develop web application
2. Eq: CakePHP, Spring, Django
3. Server Side: PHP/Java/Python/Ruby/….
4. Client Side: HTML/HTML5/CSS/JavaScript/Jquery/…
1. 2003, Django Software Foundation
2. 20% market share in silicon valley, Second place after ruby
3. Developed with python
Introduction to Web Framework
1. What is a server, HTTP Request and HTTP Response?
2. What is a web framework and web application?
3. Challenges in developing web application.
4. Django overview and installation
Starting a Django Powered Project
1. Django project architecture
2. Understanding, Understanding, Understanding 
and, Understanding and Python regular expression
Starting your First Web Application
1.    Django project architecture
2.     Understanding, Understanding, Understanding,
3.     Running Django development server
4.    Working with JavaScript & CSS files.

Developing Standard Web Template

1. Template tags
2. Filters in templates
3. Template API
Django Admin
1. Activating the Admin interface
2. Creating super user for Admin site
3. Using the Admin site
4. How to use the Admin site
5. The django.contrib package
1. The MVC Development Pattern
2. Defining Models using Python classes
3. Defining Model data fields
4. Initializing model using makemigrations
5. Running model initialization using migrate
6. Registering models in
7. Registering models with Admin site
Views and URLconfs
1. Understanding the view layer
2. Requesting a web page via URL
3. Rendering web page via view function
4. Render HTTPResponse to templates
5. Understanding context data and Python dictionary type
1. Form basics
2. GET and POST methods
3. Form validation
4. Rendering forms
5. ModelForm

Working with Static File
1. Creating static repository
2. Loading static files
3. Adding image file to template
Advance Models, Views, Forms and Admin
1. Understanding model fields in depth, Database function, Model managers
2. Django ORM
3. Class based views
4. File submission
5. Making admin more robust

Extending Templates
Creating a template library
Writing custom template filter
Writing custom templates tags
Registering the tags
Setting a variable in the context
Writing template loader


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